
Invisalign Smile Assessment

Your smile affects your self-image, and can greatly influence the quality of your interactions with others.  Many people hold back from laughing or smiling because they are uncomfortable with their smile.  The following questions are designed to honestly appraise your smile.  Go to a mirror, smile as wide as you can, and ask yourself the following questions:

Are you a teen considering Invisalign Teen for yourself?

Are you an adult considering Invisalign for yourself?

Do you have issues with your bite (e.g., overbite, underbite, open bite, etc.)?

Do you have issues with spacing?

Do you have issues with crowding?

Are you looking for generally straighter teeth?

Do you still have any baby teeth?

Have you had braces in the past?

Have you had any teeth pulled (e.g., wisdom teeth)?

Have you had cosmetic work done in the past (e.g., veneers, implants, etc.)?

Have you had or do you have issues with periodontal disease?

If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, there are often several alternatives to improve your teeth and smile.

You can have the smile you’ve always wanted! To schedule a FREE, no obligation office consultation, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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